Donna Stone
2021-10-17 11:02:50 UTC
"Where the **** is my [Stonehenge] Warranty Deed ye thieves?!"
Howard Hughes Jr, Robert Maheu,
Santo Trafficante Jr, Roland Totera,
[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom]49 / 31 / 15 / 1 [Update] [Auto]
File: Heelstone Core 7.jpg (285 KB, 1029x1018)
285 KB
"Where the **** is my Warranty Deed ye thieves?!" G-D Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:32:00 No.343531613▶>>343531822 >>343532243 >>343532713 >>343541366 >>343546844 >>343552867
Shame on him. He only had to ask the Owner of Stonehenge for permission first. Did he dig my brass Altar of Burnt Offering up from below my Heel Stone? Or just my gold Ark of my Covenant packed inside together with my six other gold relics thereunder? G-D
Why don't they arrest the Supreme Governor of the Church of England for crushing the Mishkan with the Hele Stone, the 2021 core drilling samples of its concrete housing show extreme deterioration (to her liking). I wrote everybody about the Anglican Communion intentionally damaging the Tabernacle, but Wiltshire Constabulary (now Police) and Wiltshire Coroner said the Defender of the Faith's (the queen) "Crushing the Mishkan with Hele Stone" programme (of 1985) still stands. D-S
Britons keep pretending Britain owns Stonehenge when the World knows "STONEHENGE HAS BEEN SOLD TO A TEXAS TYCOON" as published in 1985 by the Wilts and Hants Times, both counties' newspapers. Howard Hughes (of Texas) and Roland Totera (of Florida) paid the Queen her asking price £144,000.00 GBP in 1961, before the Bay of Pigs; National Trust and English Heritage; but the scoundrels (HM, NT, EH) robbed G-D of TEXAS, sole Owner of Stonehenge.
"Where the **** is my Warranty Deed ye thieves?!" G-D
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:34:09 No.343531822▶>>343532062 >>343532713
File: Heelstone_Core_7.jpg (392 KB, 1050x950)
392 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:36:32 No.343532062▶>>343532713
File: Heelstone-Core-7.jpg (404 KB, 1043x1004)
404 KB
Anonymous (ID: SnXMBdiD) 10/15/21(Fri)12:36:59 No.343532118▶>>343536271
The Texas Abortion Ban is on its way to the Supreme Court, courtesy of the U.S. Department of Justice!
This is it lads, I can feel it!
This will be the case that overturns Roe v. Wade!
No longer shall women be able to murder your unborn children!
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)12:38:14 No.343532243▶>>343532713
No I didn't.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:42:38 No.343532713▶>>343544327
File: Heelstone+Core+7.jpg (364 KB, 1060x962)
364 KB
now you do, cheers
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)12:50:53 No.343533561▶>>343534136 >>343535372
Has the snake tribe something to do with the foundation of Stonehenge or did the Dans came later?
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:56:09 No.343534136▶
File: 1942 OSS.jpg (207 KB, 1000x1400)
207 KB
The British didn't build Stone Hedge, that's why Britons know so little, if anything, about it.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:07:19 No.343535372▶
File: The 3rd Temple.jpg (349 KB, 965x1085)
349 KB
Israel 1st Temple.
Palestine 2nd Temple.
Stonehenge 3rd Temple.
The Alamo USA 4th Temple.
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)13:07:51 No.343535433▶>>343536271 >>343536433
Where is the warranty deed!
Also bump for more Stonehenge related things.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:15:22 No.343536271▶>>343537357
File: The 4th Temple.jpg (310 KB, 931x1124)
310 KB
Texas just wants its Mishkan Tabernacle inside the Alamo where it belongs.
British idiots can keep Texas' rocks there at Stonehenge said the Owner.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:16:55 No.343536433▶>>343536836
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:20:46 No.343536836▶
File: G-D's 4th Temple.gif (3.52 MB, 500x398)
3.52 MB
Anonymous (ID: O5i2l7Ev) 10/15/21(Fri)13:23:45 No.343537271▶>>343537595 >>343538928
File: 0830182025a..jpg (519 KB, 2048x1350)
519 KB
Did you leave your meds in the basement?
Anonymous (ID: kNOnAyHf) 10/15/21(Fri)13:23:54 No.343537285▶>>343538182
File: 1633313129507m.jpg (187 KB, 1024x794)
187 KB
Can you guys explain what the fuck you're talking about or take your god damn meds? I mean fuck I entertain conspiratorial nonsense all the time but you're spouting nonsensical bullshit. Link a YouTube explanation or something.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:24:32 No.343537357▶
File: Wiccan Cursus.jpg (357 KB, 1060x948)
357 KB
Note: It takes Britons 50 years to fix a 4 mile road, And 60 years to dig a 4 foot hole, So be patient with British Social Studies' incompetence. G-D
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:26:15 No.343537595▶
File: peewee-1985-alamo.gif (2.4 MB, 498x320)
2.4 MB
Anonymous (ID: O5i2l7Ev) 10/15/21(Fri)13:28:13 No.343537795▶>>343538796 >>343541540
File: Texas eclipse map+1.png (2.9 MB, 1500x1425)
2.9 MB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:31:34 No.343538182▶>>343538864
File: Warranty Deed.jpg (378 KB, 1642x1212)
378 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:37:05 No.343538796▶>>343539340 >>343542242
File: Mishkan Staging Areas.gif (564 KB, 1200x600)
564 KB
The Journey continues to the Promised Land as originally agreed. G-D
Anonymous (ID: kNOnAyHf) 10/15/21(Fri)13:37:41 No.343538864▶>>343540659 >>343541540
File: 1629233879638m.jpg (142 KB, 1024x898)
142 KB
And why is this significant? What's with the photos and mentions of some ark? Help me out here. Howard Hughes was an eccentric moron
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)13:38:24 No.343538928▶>>343540894
I never heard about this structure before.
Alamo is a funny name, almost like that /tv/ meme.
Anonymous (ID: z2kXMKYf) 10/15/21(Fri)13:42:18 No.343539340▶
I love westerns
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:54:48 No.343540659▶>>343541227 >>343545170
Howard Hughes Jr, Robert Maheu, Santo Trafficante Jr, Roland Totera were geniuses.
And where the Ark of God goes, the children of Israel follow. Jews are moving.
So catch-up. Read a book. Your ignorance is your problem, not mine.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:57:08 No.343540894▶
File: There's no Basement at th(...).jpg (159 KB, 963x663)
159 KB
Anonymous (ID: i+aW5tAo) 10/15/21(Fri)14:00:09 No.343541227▶>>343543527
Yes, there's a fuckton of them, thanks for noticing. When do they LEAVE
Anonymous (ID: zxfHb+h8) 10/15/21(Fri)14:01:20 No.343541366▶
File: Screenshot_20211015-14001(...).jpg (1.38 MB, 1080x2070)
1.38 MB
Anonymous (ID: pOKzrOK1) 10/15/21(Fri)14:03:03 No.343541540▶
File: Stonehenge 2.jpg (2.12 MB, 1504x3404)
2.12 MB
As far as i've been able to remember and comprehend is that there is a Tabernacle buried under the Stonehenge and it angers God, and certain people or institutions are going to great lengths to keep that Tabernacle buried.
Anonymous (ID: 44VXe9nu) 10/15/21(Fri)14:04:53 No.343541755▶>>343543744 >>343544587
We're reaching levels of schizophrenia that shouldn't even be possible
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:09:12 No.343542242▶
File: The Alamo 4th Temple.jpg (337 KB, 1600x1200)
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Thus Zionism was a gathering of the Hebrew Tribes for their move out of Middle East to the promised land: San Antonio, Texas
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:20:11 No.343543527▶
When the Altar of Burnt Offering under Stonehenge Heel Stone containing Ark of the Covenant and Mishkan (Tabernacle) Gold Relics are exhumed and Delivered to the Owner of Stonehenge at the Alamo, Texas.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:22:17 No.343543744▶
You certainly are. Take your meds.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:27:38 No.343544327▶>>343546680
File: 1.2 m (4 ft) below Stone.jpg (372 KB, 1060x795)
372 KB
Anonymous (ID: jmlvGVwS) 10/15/21(Fri)14:30:13 No.343544587▶
File: Screenshot_20210323-130117~2.png (201 KB, 720x1165)
201 KB
You're the only jew here, parasite
Anonymous (ID: kNOnAyHf) 10/15/21(Fri)14:35:26 No.343545170▶>>343546493 >>343548327
File: 1634110599606m.jpg (184 KB, 784x1024)
184 KB
I was under the impression that you created the thread to educate or
Debate with peers. I'd like to then request a quick run down on the topic, followed by suggested reading or further modes in which to research. No need to be so upset, I just want to know the truth no matter what the cost.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:47:18 No.343546493▶
here all the digs at stonehenge except 2021's the latest gold core
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:48:59 No.343546680▶
File: Hele Stone Tetramorph.jpg (170 KB, 1000x1302)
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Anonymous (ID: Rm1tEPWF) 10/15/21(Fri)14:50:27 No.343546844▶>>343547651 >>343548428
only halfway decent post ive read on here today
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)14:57:45 No.343547651▶>>343549140
Anonymous (ID: 7/+SGeWU) 10/15/21(Fri)15:03:53 No.343548327▶
qrd on your picrel too
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:04:43 No.343548428▶>>343550379
File: Cross-Sections A thru I.gif (1.27 MB, 4642x2787)
1.27 MB
Cross-Sections A-A' thru I-I'
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:11:04 No.343549140▶
File: Tabernacle Cross-Section.gif (95 KB, 820x756)
95 KB
Tabernacle Cross-Section
Anonymous (ID: rQz5ghTz) 10/15/21(Fri)15:17:49 No.343549894▶>>343551804 >>343555072
What’s the timeline for the move from stone henge to the Alamo?
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:22:04 No.343550379▶
File: Mishkan Refraction Sesmic.gif (662 KB, 2988x2955)
662 KB
Mishkan Refraction Sesmic
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:35:22 No.343551804▶>>343552315
File: Ian Duncan Burnett.jpg (65 KB, 606x521)
65 KB
It takes Britons 50 years to fix a 4 mile road, And 60 years to dig a 4 foot hole, So be patient with British Social Studies' incompetence.
There isn't one. Got any ideas?
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:40:21 No.343552315▶
File: Chalk-Fences-&-Trenches.jpg (158 KB, 511x616)
158 KB
Anonymous (ID: IxmDGiic) 10/15/21(Fri)15:45:42 No.343552867▶>>343555615
British Israelism was a delusion from the offset. Now it is just an excuse to destroy prehistory in Britain.
Fucking hell, believing the zionists yet again so they can erase any past that precedes them.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)16:02:53 No.343555072▶
File: Git Diggin' or Git Dyin'.jpg (208 KB, 934x1121)
208 KB
But there is a certain timeframe. It's called "fuck this solar system." 808 days.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)16:08:16 No.343555615▶
File: Milky Way S.S. #144000.png (513 KB, 1200x708)
513 KB
"fuck this solar system" entails simply erasing this shithole one. there are trillions better.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)16:14:05 No.343556279▶
File: CleftaSunder '24.gif (3.54 MB, 666x400)
3.54 MB
It's a simple instantaneous procedure. Virtually painless so, no worries... Buh-bye /pol/.
[Post a Reply][Return] [Catalog] [Top] 49 / 31 / 15 / 1[Update] [Auto]
"Where the **** is my [Stonehenge] Warranty Deed ye thieves?!"
Howard Hughes Jr, Robert Maheu,
Santo Trafficante Jr, Roland Totera,
Howard Hughes Jr, Robert Maheu,
Santo Trafficante Jr, Roland Totera,
[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom]49 / 31 / 15 / 1 [Update] [Auto]
File: Heelstone Core 7.jpg (285 KB, 1029x1018)
285 KB
"Where the **** is my Warranty Deed ye thieves?!" G-D Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:32:00 No.343531613▶>>343531822 >>343532243 >>343532713 >>343541366 >>343546844 >>343552867
Shame on him. He only had to ask the Owner of Stonehenge for permission first. Did he dig my brass Altar of Burnt Offering up from below my Heel Stone? Or just my gold Ark of my Covenant packed inside together with my six other gold relics thereunder? G-D
Why don't they arrest the Supreme Governor of the Church of England for crushing the Mishkan with the Hele Stone, the 2021 core drilling samples of its concrete housing show extreme deterioration (to her liking). I wrote everybody about the Anglican Communion intentionally damaging the Tabernacle, but Wiltshire Constabulary (now Police) and Wiltshire Coroner said the Defender of the Faith's (the queen) "Crushing the Mishkan with Hele Stone" programme (of 1985) still stands. D-S
Britons keep pretending Britain owns Stonehenge when the World knows "STONEHENGE HAS BEEN SOLD TO A TEXAS TYCOON" as published in 1985 by the Wilts and Hants Times, both counties' newspapers. Howard Hughes (of Texas) and Roland Totera (of Florida) paid the Queen her asking price £144,000.00 GBP in 1961, before the Bay of Pigs; National Trust and English Heritage; but the scoundrels (HM, NT, EH) robbed G-D of TEXAS, sole Owner of Stonehenge.
"Where the **** is my Warranty Deed ye thieves?!" G-D
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:34:09 No.343531822▶>>343532062 >>343532713
File: Heelstone_Core_7.jpg (392 KB, 1050x950)
392 KB
343531613 (OP)
File: Heelstone-Core-7.jpg (404 KB, 1043x1004)
404 KB
The Texas Abortion Ban is on its way to the Supreme Court, courtesy of the U.S. Department of Justice!
This is it lads, I can feel it!
This will be the case that overturns Roe v. Wade!
No longer shall women be able to murder your unborn children!
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)12:38:14 No.343532243▶>>343532713
343531613 (OP)
Britons keep pretending Britain owns Stonehenge when the World knows "STONEHENGE HAS BEEN SOLD TO A TEXAS TYCOON"Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:42:38 No.343532713▶>>343544327
File: Heelstone+Core+7.jpg (364 KB, 1060x962)
364 KB
343531613 (OP)
"Where the **** is my Warranty Deed ye thieves?!" G-D343531822
"Where the **** is my Warranty Deed ye thieves?!" G-D343532062
"Where the **** is my Warranty Deed ye thieves?!" G-D343532243
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)12:50:53 No.343533561▶>>343534136 >>343535372
Has the snake tribe something to do with the foundation of Stonehenge or did the Dans came later?
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)12:56:09 No.343534136▶
File: 1942 OSS.jpg (207 KB, 1000x1400)
207 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:07:19 No.343535372▶
File: The 3rd Temple.jpg (349 KB, 965x1085)
349 KB
Palestine 2nd Temple.
Stonehenge 3rd Temple.
The Alamo USA 4th Temple.
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)13:07:51 No.343535433▶>>343536271 >>343536433
Where is the warranty deed!
Also bump for more Stonehenge related things.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:15:22 No.343536271▶>>343537357
File: The 4th Temple.jpg (310 KB, 931x1124)
310 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:16:55 No.343536433▶>>343536836
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:20:46 No.343536836▶
File: G-D's 4th Temple.gif (3.52 MB, 500x398)
3.52 MB
File: 0830182025a..jpg (519 KB, 2048x1350)
519 KB
Did you leave your meds in the basement?
Anonymous (ID: kNOnAyHf) 10/15/21(Fri)13:23:54 No.343537285▶>>343538182
File: 1633313129507m.jpg (187 KB, 1024x794)
187 KB
Can you guys explain what the fuck you're talking about or take your god damn meds? I mean fuck I entertain conspiratorial nonsense all the time but you're spouting nonsensical bullshit. Link a YouTube explanation or something.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:24:32 No.343537357▶
File: Wiccan Cursus.jpg (357 KB, 1060x948)
357 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:26:15 No.343537595▶
File: peewee-1985-alamo.gif (2.4 MB, 498x320)
2.4 MB
File: Texas eclipse map+1.png (2.9 MB, 1500x1425)
2.9 MB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:31:34 No.343538182▶>>343538864
File: Warranty Deed.jpg (378 KB, 1642x1212)
378 KB
File: Mishkan Staging Areas.gif (564 KB, 1200x600)
564 KB
Anonymous (ID: kNOnAyHf) 10/15/21(Fri)13:37:41 No.343538864▶>>343540659 >>343541540
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142 KB
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)13:38:24 No.343538928▶>>343540894
Alamo is a funny name, almost like that /tv/ meme.
Anonymous (ID: z2kXMKYf) 10/15/21(Fri)13:42:18 No.343539340▶
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:54:48 No.343540659▶>>343541227 >>343545170
And where the Ark of God goes, the children of Israel follow. Jews are moving.
So catch-up. Read a book. Your ignorance is your problem, not mine.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)13:57:08 No.343540894▶
File: There's no Basement at th(...).jpg (159 KB, 963x663)
159 KB
Anonymous (ID: i+aW5tAo) 10/15/21(Fri)14:00:09 No.343541227▶>>343543527
Jews are movingAnonymous (ID: zxfHb+h8) 10/15/21(Fri)14:01:20 No.343541366▶
File: Screenshot_20211015-14001(...).jpg (1.38 MB, 1080x2070)
1.38 MB
343531613 (OP)
File: Stonehenge 2.jpg (2.12 MB, 1504x3404)
2.12 MB
30.0721989,-99.2485032Anonymous (ID: 44VXe9nu) 10/15/21(Fri)14:04:53 No.343541755▶>>343543744 >>343544587
We're reaching levels of schizophrenia that shouldn't even be possible
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:09:12 No.343542242▶
File: The Alamo 4th Temple.jpg (337 KB, 1600x1200)
337 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:20:11 No.343543527▶
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:22:17 No.343543744▶
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:27:38 No.343544327▶>>343546680
File: 1.2 m (4 ft) below Stone.jpg (372 KB, 1060x795)
372 KB
File: Screenshot_20210323-130117~2.png (201 KB, 720x1165)
201 KB
Anonymous (ID: kNOnAyHf) 10/15/21(Fri)14:35:26 No.343545170▶>>343546493 >>343548327
File: 1634110599606m.jpg (184 KB, 784x1024)
184 KB
Debate with peers. I'd like to then request a quick run down on the topic, followed by suggested reading or further modes in which to research. No need to be so upset, I just want to know the truth no matter what the cost.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:47:18 No.343546493▶
here all the digs at stonehenge except 2021's the latest gold core
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)14:48:59 No.343546680▶
File: Hele Stone Tetramorph.jpg (170 KB, 1000x1302)
170 KB
343531613 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: ErP3YXWh) 10/15/21(Fri)14:57:45 No.343547651▶>>343549140
Anonymous (ID: 7/+SGeWU) 10/15/21(Fri)15:03:53 No.343548327▶
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:04:43 No.343548428▶>>343550379
File: Cross-Sections A thru I.gif (1.27 MB, 4642x2787)
1.27 MB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:11:04 No.343549140▶
File: Tabernacle Cross-Section.gif (95 KB, 820x756)
95 KB
Anonymous (ID: rQz5ghTz) 10/15/21(Fri)15:17:49 No.343549894▶>>343551804 >>343555072
What’s the timeline for the move from stone henge to the Alamo?
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:22:04 No.343550379▶
File: Mishkan Refraction Sesmic.gif (662 KB, 2988x2955)
662 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:35:22 No.343551804▶>>343552315
File: Ian Duncan Burnett.jpg (65 KB, 606x521)
65 KB
Wiltshire Coroner said the Defender of the Faith's (the queen) "Crushing the Mishkan with Hele Stone" programme (of 1985) still stands.There isn't one. Got any ideas?
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)15:40:21 No.343552315▶
File: Chalk-Fences-&-Trenches.jpg (158 KB, 511x616)
158 KB
343531613 (OP)
Fucking hell, believing the zionists yet again so they can erase any past that precedes them.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)16:02:53 No.343555072▶
File: Git Diggin' or Git Dyin'.jpg (208 KB, 934x1121)
208 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)16:08:16 No.343555615▶
File: Milky Way S.S. #144000.png (513 KB, 1200x708)
513 KB
"fuck this solar system" entails simply erasing this shithole one. there are trillions better.
Anonymous (ID: UBdd/tp6) 10/15/21(Fri)16:14:05 No.343556279▶
File: CleftaSunder '24.gif (3.54 MB, 666x400)
3.54 MB
It's a simple instantaneous procedure. Virtually painless so, no worries... Buh-bye /pol/.
[Post a Reply][Return] [Catalog] [Top] 49 / 31 / 15 / 1[Update] [Auto]
"Where the **** is my [Stonehenge] Warranty Deed ye thieves?!"
Howard Hughes Jr, Robert Maheu,
Santo Trafficante Jr, Roland Totera,