King Charlie 3 said, "It doesn't take 40 years to fix a 4 mile long road at Stonehenge, And it doesn't take 40 years to dig a 4 foot deep mishkan at Heel Stone, Not on my watch." Charlie's Angels (GCHQ, MI5, SIS) are on it.
(too old to reply)
Alt Atheism
2022-10-09 15:47:04 UTC
King Charlie 3 said, "It doesn't take 40 years to fix a 4 mile long road at Stonehenge,
And it doesn't take 40 years to dig a 4 foot deep mishkan at Heel Stone,
Not on my watch." Charlie's Angels (GCHQ, MI5, SIS) are on it.


Rock of G-D that The Alamo owns leans 27 degrees.
Heel Stone Angle from Vertical Measurements;
Mishkan Tabernacle of G-D damage rate:

AD 1640 - yrs 382 ago - Heel Stone 22 deg (Sir Washington, L)*
AD 1652 - yrs 370 ago - Heel Stone 23 deg (Washington, L)
AD 1656 - yrs 366 ago - Heel Stone 23 deg (Doc Denke, G)**
AD 1757 - yrs 265 ago - Heel Stone 24 deg (Franklin, Ben)
AD 1886 - yrs 136 ago - Heel Stone 25 deg (Denke, FW)***
AD 1942 - yrs 080 ago - Heel Stone 25 deg (US Signal Corps)
AD 1974 - yrs 048 ago - Heel Stone 26 deg (Ferdinand, R)
AD 1984 - yrs 038 ago - Heel Stone 26 deg (Denke, G)
AD 2021 - yrs 001 ago - Heel Stone 27 deg (Pitts, M)


*Sir Laurence Washington, knight (Owner)
**historian, antiquarian, dentist
***Friedrich Wilhelm

2022-10-14 07:15:44 UTC
Post by Alt Atheism
King Charlie 3 said, "It doesn't take 40 years to fix a 4 mile long road at Stonehenge,
And it doesn't take 40 years to dig a 4 foot deep mishkan at Heel Stone,
Not on my watch." Charlie's Angels (GCHQ, MI5, SIS) are on it.
Stonehenge is a joke. Played on tourists.

They threw ridiculous amounts of many at "Improving" the area just because a lot of tourists
weren't paying the OBSCENE entrance free, choosing to view it from the fence line. And the
thing was, if you paid the OBSCENE fee you didn't get much closer.

Oh, they'd let people actually within the circle! Sure they would. When I was there is was like
3.5x more money and they only did it during certain times. In other words, it was all a money
grab. Pretty much all of history in the U.K. is. If you're a Star Trek fan then you'll understand
what I mean when I refer to the U.K. as "Ferenginar."

In the middle ages churches used to collect "Relics" because they were big money makers.
People would make a pilgrimage to you, pay big bucks to be healed by the left nut of St.
Rapedemsheep. "Archaeology" is exactly the same way in the U.K.

It's big business. For the government. For the royals.

See, nearly all the land is owned by the royals. Worthless "Little People" only ever buy the
right to live on it, but they don't own it.

Canada is exactly the same way...

So any archaeology is owned by the government. And there's actually a demand for
archaeologists, because of all the treasure hunts! I mean, every single cinstruction
project is a treasure hunt. They've got to dig up any treasure and carry it off for
themselves, before some low life "Commoner" takes the loot...

Stonehenge is just another *Cha-Ching!* in the cash register...

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