Great tool for academics and academics in genreal!
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Casey M
2022-09-01 03:22:44 UTC
Dear Colleagues,

Ran across this FREE excellent academic platform called figbox I would like to share with everyone. Click here: https://figbox.co/

From what I have experienced fIgbox allow early career researchers (e.g., postdocs, professors) and junior scholars (undergraduates, masters and phd students) the ability support each other through the exchange of feedback and academic content in the following categories:

General career advice
PhD admissions/application advice
Thesis selection/ literature review
Quantitative and qualitative analyses
Methodological approach and design
Feedback on working scholarship/grant
Feedback on working paper
Feedback on working thesis
Submission/publication advice
Replying to referee reviews from journal
Handling academic conflicts

In addition to this, you can also connect with people working in the industry in the event you are interested in making a translation or seeking collaboration.

Check it out may be useful. Note I opted to sign up via google but you can also connect with an ORCID account.

Best Regards,
Alt Atheism
2022-09-04 07:42:25 UTC
Post by Casey M
Dear Colleagues,
Ran across this FREE excellent academic platform called figbox I would like to share with everyone. Click here: https://figbox.co/
General career advice
PhD admissions/application advice
Thesis selection/ literature review
Quantitative and qualitative analyses
Methodological approach and design
Feedback on working scholarship/grant
Feedback on working paper
Feedback on working thesis
Submission/publication advice
Replying to referee reviews from journal
Handling academic conflicts
In addition to this, you can also connect with people working in the industry in the event you are interested in making a translation or seeking collaboration.
Check it out may be useful. Note I opted to sign up via google but you can also connect with an ORCID account.
Best Regards,
Government Of Democracy ("GOD") and Government-Democracy ("G-D")
exist, So ye Commie Cunts who say GOD doesn't exist and G-D doesn't
exist Move to a Commie Cunt Country because "IN GOD WE TRUST".


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Who in History ("/his/") said Anonymous (ID: HuBD0Zt0) 09/03/22(Sat)07:29:26 No.393688902▶>>393689140
Government Of Democracy ("GOD") and Government-Democracy ("G-D")
exist, So ye Commie Cunts who say GOD doesn't exist and G-D doesn't
exist Move to a Commie Cunt Country because "IN GOD WE TRUST".

John Yahya Baptist
Jesus Isa Christ
Anonymous (ID: BV3ql91I) 09/03/22(Sat)07:32:20 No.393689140▶>>393690689
Post by Casey M
393688902 (OP)
I was on vacation in Germany and I heard something about either Stonehenge or the Georgia Guide Stones was destroyed or something?
Anonymous (ID: Awiqc39Q) 09/03/22(Sat)07:50:01 No.393690613▶>>393690800
ok thanks gary busey, great thread
Anonymous (ID: HuBD0Zt0) 09/03/22(Sat)07:50:51 No.393690689▶
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Post by Casey M
if that two shilling street whore queen ain't gonna let uncle sam's anthropologists and john bull's archaeologists dig then big g might as well guide stone the fucker.
Anonymous (ID: HuBD0Zt0) 09/03/22(Sat)07:52:09 No.393690800▶>>393692440
Post by Casey M
Anonymous (ID: HuBD0Zt0) 09/03/22(Sat)08:11:51 No.393692440▶
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Post by Casey M
<--- The Fucker is extreme Left.
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Who in History ("/his/") said: Anonymous 09/03/22(Sat)05:35:08 No.13897550 Archived▶
Government Of Democracy ("GOD") and Government-Democracy ("G-D")
exist, So ye Commie Cunts who say GOD doesn't exist and G-D doesn't
exist Move to a Commie Cunt Country because "IN GOD WE TRUST".

John Yahya Baptist
Jesus Isa Christ
Anonymous 09/03/22(Sat)12:14:58 No.13898865▶>>13900081
meds now
Anonymous 09/03/22(Sat)17:11:49 No.13900081▶
Post by Casey M
High Treason commie hypocrite!
Post by Casey M
High Treason commie traitor![Post a Reply][Return] [Catalog] [Top] 3 / 1 / 3 / 1[Update] [Auto]




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Who in History ("/his/") said Anonymous 09/03/22(Sat)08:27:06 No.10380868▶
Government Of Democracy ("GOD") and Government-Democracy ("G-D")
exist, So ye Commie Cunts who say GOD doesn't exist and G-D doesn't
exist Move to a Commie Cunt Country because "IN GOD WE TRUST".


John Yahya Baptist
Jesus Isa Christ

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